You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. If you indicate that you do not want your request shared publically, it will only be shared with our prayer team. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like.
This is from Dave Love's wife Karen about Dave..
"The results of Dave's MRI were read this morning. The cortex is no longer functioning as a result of 9+ minutes of no oxygen. He's still on the ventilator currently. We met with Pallative care today. Drew and Caleb will be flying in late tonight. We will meet to make final decisions tomorrow.
There are no words. Only love for precious Dave, who will be lifting his voice in praise to the King before too long...fovever.
Please Continue to life Karen and their boys up during this very difficult time.
Received: May 8, 2019
Beth Hamblin
Please pray for the Love family. They are an amazing family. Dave used to be the worship leader at a church in Ohio before moving to Kentucky to lead worship at a church there. This is the latest post from his wife Karen....(Nutshell version of past two weeks, because I realize some people don't know what's been happening)
Skin cancer on Dave's forehead. It was all removed...he was cancer free. Reconstructive surgery on April 24. Final skin graft on May 1. Slow recovery. Quit breathing for 9 minutes on May 5 AFTER a really good afternoon. Now back on ventilator. MRI today to find out if brain was damaged during the non-breathing period. Results expected Wed. morning. God knows what is to come...and I'm trusting Him through it all. (Dave would be in total agreement if he could voice it right now). Please pray for Dave, Karen, their boys, the nurses and doctors working with Dave.
Received: May 8, 2019
Dawn Gray
I currently work 2 part-time jobs. Seeking fulltime with benefits. Would like to continue working with senior adults.
Received: May 6, 2019
Bob Harris
Tom Smith diagnosed with cancer in the bladder. Undergoing a full body scan to see if it has spread. Pray for strength and healing.
Received: May 6, 2019
Ginny C
update - brother in law released from hospital - diagnosis of possible bell's palsey as a result of tick bite - testing for Lyme disease
Received: May 1, 2019
Ginny C
My brother in law, John, was careflighted to Buffalo general hospital last night - possible stroke
Received: May 1, 2019
John Sappington
This is to thank those who are praying for Lynda Sappington's back surgery. The surgery was this morning and the surgeon said it was very successful. She will be staying two or three nights to convalesce
Received: April 30, 2019
Mark Crary
This Thursday" May 2nd" We are having a National Day Of Prayer Service
@ Somerville Community Church. Please pray that God moves in a big way for our church and the community of Somerville, Ohio. The church is at 207 South Walnut Street, Somerville, Ohio and service time is at 7:00 pm.
Thank You, Pastor Mark Crary
Received: April 30, 2019
Lynda Sappington
Back Surgery for 2 herniated discs on Tue, Apr 30 at West Chester Hospital. Will be there 3-5 days.
Received: April 29, 2019
Michelle August
My friend Linda who lost her mother. Please be in prayer for her family.
Received: April 22, 2019
Alyssa Mcfarland
Pray for family relationships and my boyfriend's relationship with God.
Received: April 22, 2019
Bob Hayes & Susan Spencer
Pray for our sister and brother in-law of Jodie and Ed.
Received: April 22, 2019
Lana Whitaker
please pray for my mother Svetlana. She has high blood pressure and anxiety. My sister Elena. She is expecting her first child in June. Has anxiety and anger issues.
Received: April 22, 2019
Morgan Telles
Could you pray for my friend Josh? He has emotional issues and I don't want to loose him. I just want him to be safe and healthy.
Received: April 22, 2019
Joshua August
-Noah: A former Satanist.
-Bullock Family: Brandon underwent throat surgery & Darlys possibly still going through pain from a car accident.
-Alex: Agnostic.
Received: April 22, 2019
Shirley Enright
Please pray for my husband Paul- that he doesn't loose his eyesight! Thank you! In Jesus Name-